If the past could speak in rhyme

Business cards stacked like dollar bills, dropping like rain drops from the top of the hill. They try talking like a savage when there actions look like a rotten cabbage. Wilted away, day after day. Half assed no class full bill looking down from atop the hill. No chill even in the dead of night in winter’s thrill. One step at a time, they sip their tea with lime, waiting for the time to come and go like a train through a station. Never on time they act blind. Windows of opportunities open and free. Is this how they truly see it to be? They be believing that what they are seeing is how it should be, but what they don’t know is what’s in the books, cooking up a plan like a chef. Stirring and mixing will have them double and triple checking before their next move. Square off like a game of chess, those notes look like a mess. Sign on the line, dot your I’s and cross your T’s like you’ve crossed me. It’s going viral like a virus. You have the cure to your own demise, it’s no surprise like a birthday party.

Now this is just a small part of my thesis that many have tried to rip apart into pieces trying to make it rain with no rhyme or reason to explain why what they think is just the blink of an eye acting so shy when the light gets shined on them. Finally in the spot light and nothing to show or prove that they are the reason why nothing has moved forward towards progress egress the screws to make it flush like you did with the dreams and hopes of all that have asked and prayed that these things will never stay the way they are while you speed down the street in your car. With it’s surroundings out of bounds with these sounds that you hear are not the real people who cheer you on like detergent, you deter the blood stains that paint the street where people once stood on their own two feet. Heartbeats steady and you never seem to be ready for what’s ahead from what they left you with in your head. Blood drips down the face like sweat, little do you know that this ain’t even close to being over yet. No matter how much you bet that you could set the perfect example when in reality you are the opposite of what you preach that not even bleach can clean up your past thinking that the good times will last. Past by me you are always trying me, lying to me, denying me. Trying to find a solution to clean up this mess that you blessed with your words of encouragement and broken promises. These words may not have meaning to you since you don’t know what it truly means to express yourself from the heart. Where do I start to explain that you’ve lost your way and your light, these goals are easily in sight like a bird attempting to take flight and you wonder why your actions never get the results off the ground. You’ve lost base with your roots not walking with muddy boots. Don’t regret getting soaking wet, have you forgotten about me yet? It seems like you have. Going to the grave nobody goes unscathed. A battle full of effort, and yet still empty with promises. Broken, battered and scared have looked deep into your eyes and seen nothing but an echo of the past. Truly somethings never last.

Two to four weeks I was told in an email. July 2, 2019. It’s now August 1, 2019 and nothing has changed. Previously it’s been over 14 years and it seems like and on many occasions confirms that this system is built like the Titanic. Corners were cut (no pun intended) in the construction. The leader only cared about themselves. It wasn’t the iceberg that doomed that ship. It was the internal burning of the ego that sank it to a new low. A coal fire that burned for days weakening the already thin steel. It’s not the first time I’ve been disappointed with the lack effort on their side. The stack of business cards is only a temporary fix for the wobbly table you sit at.

Strike while iron is hot, without a doubt you didn’t give it a single thought. Collecting dust on your desk it grows old past it’s due date. The iron has turned cold like your heart, tearing the people who once believed in you apart. As the temperatures continue to rise it comes to no surprise that you act like this is a card game and all you do is point fingers at who to blame, it is really quite a shame that you treat the sick like a pawn from dusk till dawn this will not spawn the results that are needed as people competed for your attention and all you do is cheat them out of hopes and dreams ignoring their screams, yelling for help. Adding another several weeks to your collection is a joke as people once had high hopes. Nope is all that I have been told as you say that things have been approved and even after a phone call, the writing is on the wall. Days on the calendar go by as birds fly across the sky. Days turn into weeks as once again you turn the other cheek. A recognize of the situation in April turns into an email the second day of July and the 2-4 weeks that you recommended after the usual mistake in the work order passes by. To me it feels like you didn’t even try or care. Based on the past 14 and a half years, only two things have changed and neither have gotten the desired results. You went against your own recommendation and as a bonus swapped out for sun damage. What happened to it being for the people and not who can fill up your pocket the most?

It’s only a matter of time for a place that has seen footsteps, is now overtaken with tire marks. A place where strollers get pushed across the dirt and through the mud, now scarred with tracks when people have to constantly look behind their backs. Lives in Jeopardy for what cost is accumulated over the years. Many families have shed more than a tear. Blood has been splattered on many occasions and many more lives have been shattered. Broken glass and plastic and metal crumpled up like paper lay in the street. Pieces of a puzzle incomplete. The big picture has been seen, while others chase the green thinking that they are truly living the dream.

 I want answers and not excuses. I want to know why you choose this, and not to pursue this. I wish that I could miss and skip that if I have a quarter for every work order that got screwed up, roads would be solid gold and what few sidewalks lay perhaps children can go out and play.  Closed like your heart and your mind you could see how divine this world could be, but you just refuse to see what is in front of you with all this evidence is no coincidence. This is supposed to be an open letter, but you have no idea what has come together like a recipe. Stirring up and cooking up trouble because you burst the bubble of trust a long time ago since you don’t understand that what you reap is what you sow, you always aim low. Once again I have to remind you that this is supposed to be an open letter in search of answers, however you could only understand with an open mind and an open heart, since your ears and eyes seem to be glued shut. You speak of a voice of what you call a reason to believe in. Please answer me this one simple question, What happened to doing what is best for a community that isn’t based on a price tag? If time is money, then what is the value of giving your time and effort? The sun continues to set and occasionally moves behind the clouds, fading in and out like a shadow. I sit here watching the traffic and more and more lines are getting crossed. Two-way street with one lane for each direction. More and more the line gets crossed. It’s not a solid yellow line, but neither is the future of safety.

I’ll admit that countless amount of time for sleep has been loss as going up the ladder to talk with their boss and feel like a broken record in attempts to setting things straight. Business cards got added to the already growing collection like trophies. And the same story was told. Not as a legend, but as a fable. Passing money under the table, your foundation is nowhere near stable.

I’m no prology, but you’ll eventually have to acknowledge me. You’ve disappointed thee, acting like your on a winning spree and spending money like it grows on trees like fruit, soon the reaction to the lack of your actions will fallow suite. You lay down sod to make your grass look greener and to think that your hands haven’t even touched a cleaner. The seed from which many have bled, contemplating what has been said over and over again. Through emails and phone calls many a times you have dropped the ball. It’s no wonder at all what your true intentions are. Cars rolled over and mangle up like a piece of paper. You taper the corners to cut cost, but at what loss will all this cost in the end? You look to break and bend the rules to your desire, looking through the smoke I can see the fire. Plastic and metal line the street, broken, bruised and scarred. Rubber tracks look like tattoos on the street. Memories of the past that don’t wash off in the rain. You drain accounts for which you aren’t held accountable. You have no precision when it comes to making the right decision.

To who those how have disappointed many and me,

Ask yourself and your fellow people whom you sit next to and stand with and against, what have you done to better the community and not your pockets?

The level of satisfaction is the same as the lack of action. Little to no reaction from the taxation with little to no proof of care, very few words to spare, are you even there? The time is nearing to an end, how many more emails do I have to send? Listening to what I have to say and reading these words are not just for the birds. That little represents from the representatives. The voice inside has no place to hide. No shelter from the storm or place to call home. All alone on this quest, when will I get a chance to rest and put to sleep all these sheep who only fallow and don’t know how to swallow their pride that’s just inside. You produce lies like a factory and don’t even know me. You can’t see past your own ego, and not letting the people soar high like an eagle.

 You’ve lost touch with the old ways, do you really believe what you teach and praise? You look dazed and confused, and the only thing you’ve done is abuse the system and corrupt the power. The short hand on the clock has once again struck the hour. Being sour giving the short end of the stick, all your doing is making more people sick. Hand in hand is not the handshake, don’t be mistaken by all the money that has been taken. When you hold out your hand, what you say is only written in the sand. Washed away and erased like nothing ever happened. The proof is still there, you just don’t care.
Not sincerely,
Low priority

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